
Thank you for visiting our Website

Here you will find information concerning our church and its ministries.  We are so glad that the Lord has led you here.  We gather each Sunday for a time of study, worship, singing, & praying at 9:45 a.m. for Sunday School, and 6:00 p.m. for evening worship.  On Wednesday we gather at 6:30 p.m. for prayer and fellowship, and Children's ministries.  Join us as we hear the Word of God proclaimed at each service.  There is something here for everyone, so join us soon!  You can also find information on our Facebook Page.


Dates to Remember

                                                      Free Printable Church Bulletins: Black and White Design

We welcome Bro. Steve Simpson as our Interim Pastor at Graniteville First Baptist Church.
Bro. Steve also serves as our Aiken Baptist Associational Director.  We are so happy that he has graciously accepted this position with us and look forward to the blessings and leadership we will gain during his time with us.  Please pray for him, and for us as a body of Christ, that God's will becomes first and foremost during this transitional time.  Also pray for our Pastor Search Team.


Power has been restored at our Church.  A big "thank you" to all those workers, utility workers, linemen, etc. who have made it possible for us to have electricity, & other essentials at our Churches & in our homes.  Please remember to pray for their safety, & for all those that are still without electricity & other essentials!   Join us tomorrow (Oct. 6).  First Baptist Church, Graniteville!
You are welcomed here!!
Sunday School - 9:45 AM
(new SS classes start tomorrow!)
Morning Service - 11 AM
Evening Service - 6 PM


Church Goal for Janie Chapman State Missions = $1,200.00


October  6 - Choir Practice - (will start practice for Christmas Contata)

October 13 - Deadline for back packs

October 13   Family & Friends - 6 pm - bring finger foods

October 21 - 6 pm - By Love Compelled Ladies Meeting - bring a covered dish - everyone is invited!

October 24 - 7:30 pm - Gregg Park Outreach

October 26 - Williams Building reserved

October 30 - 6:30 pm - Family Night




Regular Schedule


  • Sunday School
    – 9:45 AM
  • Morning Worship
    – 11:00 AM
  • Evening Worship
    – 6:00 PM
  • Adult Choir
    – 7:00 PM


  • Prayer Service
    – 6:30 PM
  • Family Night (4th Wednesday)
    – 6:30 PM
  October 2024